Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A tough lesson to learn...

I guess I’ve known it all along,
True love comes from within your own heart.
It’s why people search for it forever, without success,
Cause they just don’t know where to start.

They look for it in others,
They keep turning over stone after stone,
They think the answer to that ache in there heart,
Is to find anyone, so they don’t have to be alone.

Loneliness is the enemy,
To them it must be dealt with, right away.
They jump on the first ticket out of it,
Even if it isn’t the right way.

They sob tears of sorrow,
Aching for a shallow love that died,
Then grow scared to keep searching for true love,
Like true love isn’t worth every tear criedPhotobucket

It’s deeper than the ocean,
And there isn’t another emotion that can compare.
When you’ve found your other half,
That right person whom which you choose, your life to share.

But you’ll never find that person,
Till you can be happy on your own,
Cause if you keep looking to escape loneliness in the wrong places
You’ll live life without true love, and you’ll forever be alone


Nothing is ever acquired Neither man strength
Neither weakness nor his heart And when he thinks
Opening her arms shadow of a cross
And when he believes his happiness shake it grinds
His life is a strange and painful divorce
There is no happy love

His life It looks like these unarmed soldiers
We were dressed for a different fate
What can they be used to rise early
rtains They found that evening idle uncertain
Say these words my life And hold back your tears
There is no happy love

My beautiful love My dear my love rip
I carry you in me like a wounded bird
And those without knowing we look pass
Repeat after me the words I have woven
And that to your eyes at once died
There is no happy love

Time to learn to live it is already too late
That cry in the night our hearts in unison
What to unhappiness for any song
What you should regret to pay a thrill
What you need to tears for an air guitar
There is no happy love

There is no love that is in pain
There is no love that can not be bruised
There is no love that can not be tarnished
And just as you love of country
There is no love who live in tears
There is no happy love
But is our love for both